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Section 3:

Before we take the final assessments, let's summarize what we've learned today.

The 5 De-Escalation Strategies

The Five Conflict Resolution Strategies represent different approaches to managing conflict. The best approach depends on the specific circumstances at hand.  The 5 strategies are:


1. Competing
What is it? We use competing as a conflict resolution strategy whenever we resort to being aggressive and   uncooperative with the opponent.


When to use it? This strategy works well when you are in a commanding position and have limited time and resources to resolve the conflict.


2. Avoiding
What is it? Avoiding means you neither assert your position nor do you consider or emphasize the other party's point of view.


When to use it?  Use this conflict management strategy when you don't have any authority over the other person. 


3. Accommodating

What is it? If one person makes a request, you agree to do what the first person requested instead of arguing about the matter.


When to use it?  It's an effective way to manage conflict when you lack power.


4. Collaboration
What is it? 
You try to find common ground and work together towards achieving a shared goal.


When to use it?  t's an ideal choice if both parties are committed to reaching a mutual agreement.


5. Compromising
What is it? This means agreeing to specific terms and giving up on certain other items.


When to use it?  Use this strategy to  give the feeling of a win-win scenario, where both parties feel that they gained something out of the conflict.

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